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Обновления и изменения

Orna: The GPS RPG
July Mechanics Patch
Дата релиза: 07/25/2022
* New Specialization: The Zwei-Fencer
* Kingdoms can now receive orns from completing Kingdom quests. Additionally, completing Kingdom quests will contribute to a Kingdom’s level
* The Bloodshift status effect now blocks healing, no longer deals damage over time, and its temporary stat boosts are rolled in to the effect itself
* Fixed an issue that may have caused the description of some Amities to have their shown values rounded up or down by 1%. This change does not effect the actual values in use during battle

* Follower adjustments:
-- Anubis: Replaced Lacunus with Fire Sigil, Ice Sigil, Earth Sigil, Lightning Sigil
-- Crow: Added Peck
-- Dog: Added Heal
-- Wolf: Added Bite, Great Heal
-- Hellhound: Added Doublecut, Mute, Threaten
-- Zu: Added Peck
-- Reaper: Lowered attack, added Scythestrike and Horizontal Slash
-- Twilight Wisp: Slightly lowered the heal chance
-- Fjalar: Added Aerial Barrage
-- Fafnir: Added Pray II and Revive III
-- Scruug: Replaced skills with Miasma, Wail, Winter Wind
-- Ebon Scruug: Replaced skills with Wail, Despair, Hubris, Miasma II, Winter Wind III
-- Cthulhu: Removed Drain II, Mindblast, Tidalseal, Tidalstrike, added Octoblast, Fey spells
-- Mighty Slime: Added Bastion III, Sortie, Provoke II
-- Ortanite Golem: Added Provoke II, Mend Wall III
-- Undead Golem: Removed Mend Wall III, Added Provoke II, Golem’s Fortitude, Ward of Bone
-- Fey Dragon: Replaced skills with Winter Wind II, Natura II, Wildfire II, Chain Lightning II
-- Storm Dragon: Added Chain Lightning
-- Ice Dragon: Added Winter Wind
-- Fire Dragon: Added Wildfire
-- Earth Dragon: Added Natura
-- Dark Dragon: Replaced skills with Sleep, Casted Shadows, Nightmare
-- Griffin & Mighty Griffin: Added the Tempest and Tempest II skills
-- Pegasus: Added Pray, Revive
-- Great Pegasus: Added Pray II, Revive III
-- Dark Pegasus: Added Casted Shadows II
-- Turul: Added Aerial Barrage, Peck
-- Colossus: Replaced skills with Protection II, Onslaught, Stone Stare
-- Cerberus: Added Appease II
-- Warg: Added Appease
-- Gwyllgi: Added Appease II
-- Dire Wolf: Added Appease II
-- Steward Wolf: Added Appease II
-- Succubus: Added Haste+
-- Harpy: Added Haste

* New Followers:
-- Great Reaper
-- Living Sword/Breathing Sword
-- Living Dagger/Breathing Dagger
-- Living Hammer/Breathing Hammer
-- Living Armor/Breathing Armor
-- Living Arsenal/Living Arch-Armor
-- Mammon Acolyte

* Improvements to Follower AI
-- Followers can now make more intelligent situational decisions
-- Followers can now make more appropriate decisions when in Party Play

* Improvements to Memory Hunting:
-- Increased the memory interaction range to 250 meters
-- Fixed an issue that could cause shattered memories to spawn on water
-- Improvements to memory hunt seed generation
-- Memories are now visible on the “Items” layer instead of “Events” layer
-- Slightly decreased the effectiveness of the Hybrid skill Amity trait
-- Unlocked some additional Amity effects

* Removed the warmup turns of Diffuse Ward I & II. Lessened the warmup turns on Diffuse Ward III
* A few new items, monsters, and skills
* Increased the amount of PvP brackets for T10/T11 players
* The T11 arena drop pool is now equal to the T10 drop pool
* Slightly tightened Kingdom War matchmaking criteria
* Follower names and renamed area names are no longer shown when a player is blocked
* Addressed some performance issues in Other Realms
* Bug fixes
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